How can I measure my belly button to determinewhat size belly ring I should buy online?

How can I measure my belly button to determine what size belly ring I should buy online?


First of all: Please do not tell me that buying jewelry online is not safe. I already looked into it. I think I am going to be perfectly OK if I buy a belly ring online.

Down to the real question: How can I measure my belly button to determine what size belly ring I should buy? If it's too big, the ring will keep being "pushed up" like when I sit down and my belly button piercing can get infected. If the ring I buy is too small, it is going to pinch my skin and it will get infected, as well. I really need to decide which size piercing is right for me.
I looked on a website ( and it said, "10mm ball" or "5mm ball" of different belly ring choices. Does that determine the size, too? And, it also said for almost all the belly ring choices I had decided on: "14 Gauge (1.6mm), 3/8" Length (10mm), 316L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel" or "14 Gauge (1.6mm), 3/8" (10mm), 316L Surgical Grade Stainless Steel, 5mm Ball." Is there a difference in size in those?

Any REAL and NON-RUDE answers will be much appreciated. :) Thanks so much!

Best answer:
Answer by awnser master
im just going to say this and go...buying it online ISNT safe because a lot of bacteria builds up

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