Caring for Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

Caring for Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

Having good care for the pressure cooker will certainly help the cooker last for a lifetime. 

Cleaning the pot.  The methods to clean a stainless steel pressure cooker are similar with cleaning a stainless steel pot or pan.  Like the pot and pan, most pressure cookers are dishwasher safe unless stated otherwise by the manufacturer.  When washing by hand, always use hot water with soap with a washcloth, sponge or a non-scratching pad to remove the stains or food residues.  After each cleaning, rinse the pot thoroughly with hot water and wipe it completely with clean dry towels.

Cleaning the lid.   Most pressure cooker lids should not be washed in the dishwasher or left to soak in water, especially when it is one with the new valve systems in the lid.  Wash the lid separately by hand in hot water and mild wash soap with non-abrasive pad or washcloth.  Do not use any sort of abrasive cleansers to remove the stains.  Remove the gasket from the lid, the pressure weight, and any other removal parts before cleaning.  Wash everything separately, and paying close attentions to the locking flange and the vent pipe if there is one. Use a small brush for cleaning inside the pressure regulator weight.  Remove any bit of food from around the valves and the sealing surface of the lid.  Rinse through hot water completely and dry with towels before storing.

Caring for Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

Storing.  Remember to always make sure that the inside of the pressure cooker is completely dry before storing it to the cupboard.  Store the cooker in a dry place.  Always check to make sure that all the attached parts are tightly screwed on, and adjust when necessary.  Check to see that the vent pipe is clean and clear and the valve stem moves up and down freely, before putting the cooker away.

If using the pressure cooker frequently, store it in the cupboard with the lid inverted on top of the cooker bottom.  Place the gasket on the lid, but not in the groove, and then lay the weight on its side. This will help to prevent odors or molds.

For infrequent use, store the cooker in a cool, dry place and avoid excessive, prolonged heat because heat will cause the sealing parts to deteriorate quicker.  Before storing the cooker, place the gasket and pressure weight in a Ziploc bag and add a spoonful of baking soda then place this bag inside the cooker.  Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoon of baking soda inside the pot to absorb moisture and odors. Close the lid and store the cooker in a designated place.  Remember to wash the cooker in warm soap water before the next use.
Caring for Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
With all the efforts when cleaning and caring for your pressure cooker certainly help the cooker last.  Most pressure cookers would last to 20 years or more.  Having your favorite cooker to prepare your favorite meals is absolutely worth the troubles going through.  Browse pressure cookers today to look for one.


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