Homemade Stainless Steel Cleaner

Homemade Stainless Steel Cleaner

I like the look of stainless steel, but I do not like the look of grubby fingerprints all over my appliances.

Some of you lucky ducks have fingerprint-proof stainless steel, but for the rest of us we need a cheap and easy solution.

Awhile back, I shared my window cleaner recipe with you and it seems this cleaner works great on stainless steel as well! In a spray bottle, I mix together 2/3 parts white vinegar, a few drops of dish soap, and 1/3 part water.

Stainless Steel Vs. Aluminum in Rice Cookers

Just spray it on….

…and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it off. The cloth makes a big difference in getting a good clean.

And here it is the much better after!

Here is a reminder of what it looked like before. Ew.

And again, the nice, clean, vinegar solution after!

In other news, here is what I’ve been doing all day. Does it look like I’ve been working on it all day?

No? Ugh. Well, I have and it’s just not coming together quickly. Hopefully within the next week this baby will be ready for a full reveal.

Until then, let’s see you show off your big reveals!

Here are the rules for linking up:

1. Please link back to my blog. (Your link will not work if you don’t have a link back to my blog.)

2. Please do not link up posts that you’ve already linked up to a previous Tips & Tutes Tuesday link party. We like to keep content fresh around here!

Have fun!


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