Does someone know about markings on knifes?

Does someone know about markings on knifes?

Question by Joan K: Does someone know about markings on knifes?
I have a Solingen (German) Hunting knife. On the tang of the blade above the word 'Solingen' is Schneidfeufel...on the other side of the tang is Rostfrei..Does anyone know what these markings stand for? Is there a website that will answer ?? about knife markings? I am going thru my late husband collection, and have a few ??

Best answer:
Answer by Timothy B
Solingen is a town in Germany that is the home for quite a few knife makers. Don't know what the Schneidfeufel means, but the 'schneid' means cut in German.

Rostfrei means Stainless Steel.

German knives, in my opinion, always will bring a bit more than standard production knives due to their quality.

Hope this helped!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Questions flow in regularly that include the term, "rostfrei". They usually are something like, "I have some sterling silver knives made by Rostfrei. Can you tell me something about them?"

"Rostfrei" literally means "rust free" in German but it also means "stainless steel" when used on something like a knife blade. So a person who owns a "Rostfrei" knife probably has a knife with a stainless steel blade made in Germany. The handle could also be made of stainless steel or it could be made of wood, bone, sterling, silver plate or something else. Such pieces are made by many different German manufacturers.

The knife blade might have some other words or symbols on it to designate the manufacturer or perhaps city of origin. The knife handle could have some indication stamped on it to define its composition. If the knives are in a set that includes fork or spoons, there might be a better indication of their source on the backs of those pieces.


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