Stainless Steel Parrots cage

Stainless Steel Parrots cage

 Whether you have a parrot are or eagerly awaiting the arrival of your new winged companion one thing is constant, you need a place for them to stay when you're not at home. You need a cage, a stainless steel cage. This is true no matter what size bird you have or what breed. Even if your bird has the most cuddly and affectionate personality, they need a place to go to sleep, to eat, to play, and to have basic downtime. Every parrot needs a cage.

Unfortunately, many parrot cages end up injuring or even killing the bird it's supposed to protect. This happens for many reasons:

1. The bars are too widely spaced and the bird gets trapped 
2. The door to the cage is unsafe and slams down on a parrot trying to leave the cage 
3. The cage is made of a toxic material and poisons the bird.

The third common cause for injury and death can be easily avoided by simply buying a cage made out of stainless steel.

Benefits of stainless steel cages

Unlike any other cage material, stainless steel is 100% safe for your bird. A parrot can chew and chew on the cage bars and in the end, the only thing they may have is a sore beak. Other caging materials flake off causing stomach distress, vomiting, internal bleeding and death.

In addition, many cages are manufactured from metal blends which can include a number of things including zinc and lead - yes lead! Despite being dangerous for your bird, these metals are very toxic for humans causing learning disabilities and autoimmune issues.

This means that while the cage may be labeled stainless steel it is in fact a combination of metals. The key is to look for 304 gauge stainless steel. This means you can be relatively confident there are no other metals in your precious bird's cage.

Why worry so much about toxins?

Here's what a little bit of a bad thing can do to your bird:

  • Anemia
  • Loss Of Balance
  • Blindness
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Bloody Feces and diarrhea
  • Paralysis
  • Bloody Urine
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Rashes, feather loss, skin irritation
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Depression
  • Respiratory Problems

After reading this you may be thinking, we'll then I'll just get a wooden cage. They won't be full of toxins. Unfortunately that's not true. Wooden cages, despite being very easy for most birds to destroy with their beaks, are treated with toxic chemicals like arsenic. Even simple varnishes and stains are deadly to your bird.

Return on investment

If you've already started the search for a cage then perhaps you know that the cost difference between a stainless steel parrot cages the cost difference can be several hundred dollars. That's a lot of money to put out assuming you're also stocking up on toys, bird food, perches, a scale, training materials and of course the veterinarian bill.

So of course it is tempting to buy the cheaper cage. However, consider this...

  • A stainless steel cage can last the lifetime of your bird. 
  • A stainless steel cage will not rust, chip or peel. 
  • Resale value on a stainless steel cage is very high (if for some reason you have to get rid of your bird or perhaps get another bird and need a larger cage).

Your veterinarian bill will be significantly less if you're not rushing your bird to the emergency room due to poisoning.

Stainless steel goes with any room décor and you won't regret buying that pink powder coated cage three years from now.

Stainless steel cages are in fact, when you look at the replacement cost of a cheaper cage, quite a bargain. Really, if you buy one stainless steel cage for $850-$1500 or you have to replace that $350 cage three or four times over the life of your bird (which probably won't live that long because they've died from toxins) then you're actually saving more than $500 and that's just in cage replacement costs. We haven't factored in the cost of taking your bird to the vet again and again.

How to care for stainless steel parrot cages

One of the biggest advantages to stainless steel parrot cages, besides not killing your bird, is that they're tremendously easy to clean and take care of. A washcloth, some mild disinfectant and some warm water will quickly and easily clean the cage. No scrubbing, no toxic chemicals necessary to remove the stains and bacterial. Just wipe it down and you're good to go.

If you're serious about being a bird owner and you want to save yourself time and money in the long run, opt for stainless steel bird cages. It's the best solution.

The folks at are all bird owners and understand the trials and joys that go with that. We are dedicated to bringing you the highest quality cage on the market that is safe for your parrot.


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