Converting a Stainless steel Closet to an aviary?

Converting a Stainless steel Closet to an aviary?

Question by Hinderluvr: Converting a Closet to an aviary?

I am converting a small closet (it has no door) to an aviary for my three cockatiels. The door will be stainless steel "screen." I guess I can't say it's a screen. There are little squares in it about a finger's width apart. One of the birds is very tame. The other two...not so much. They live in the same room and have shared a cage before. The tame bird doesn't really think he's a bird and doesn't interact with the other two. He is kind of obsessed with me and doesn't pay attention to anything else. Will the tame bird living in the 'aviary' become less tame?

Best answer:

Answer by blobysquid
I greatly doubt it, as having the 2 other birds there shouldn't have any affect on him really, accept having a shared "Home". As long as you treat him/her the same as you have in the past they should remain the same as always, unless for some reason the birds begin to breed which i highly doubt will happen in this scenario. Good luck on your project! Message me if you need more help on this.


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