Do you find an Alternatives of Stainless Steel Refrigerator ?

Do you find an Alternatives of Stainless Steel Refrigerator ?

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My mother loves gourmet cooking. In the late 1990's, she was one of the first people in our area to get a stainless steel refrigerator and also a flat top cooking range. I remember being a child and I always loved to have my photographs and poems displayed proudly on the off-white GE refrigerator with wood trim handles that so lovingly sat in our kitchen. I had alphabet magnets that I would write notes to my mom and dad on and I just had so much fun with magnets on the fridge. My all-A report cards were proudly displayed for all to see. Then, she got the stainless steel refrigerator.

Caring For Stainless Steel Appliances
Caring For Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel refrigerators require a lot of upkeep. According to, "Stainless steels need to be cleaned for aesthetic considerations and to preserve corrosion resistance. Stainless steel is protected from corrosion by a thin layer of chromium oxide. Oxygen from the atmosphere combines with the chromium in the stainless steel to form this passive chromium oxide film that protects from further corrosion. Any contamination of the surface by dirt, or other materials, hinders this passivisation process and traps corrosive agents, reducing corrosion protection. Thus, some form of routine cleaning is necessary to preserve the appearance and integrity of the surface." Simply put: you really have to take care of stainless steel in order for its beauty to be preserved.
GE Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances refrigerator
GE Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances refrigerator
In addition to needing a lot of upkeep, stainless steel refrigerators are not magnetic. You will not be able to display your child's wonderful artwork and stellar grades on your stainless steel refrigerator. Lucky for me, I was old enough to appreciate the beauty of a stainless steel refrigerator, even if it was not magnetic. A five year old may not be as understanding.
Stainless steel refrigerator
Stainless steel refrigerator
Before you get disheartened and submit to a life devoid of your child's artwork, rest assured that I have a solution for you. Many manufacturers have stainless steel alternatives that are easier to care for, and is also have the magnetic properties that moms these days desire.

If you shop for your appliances at Sears, the stainless steel alternative available on Sear's own private label Kenmore products is called Ultra Satin. Ultra Satin is very easy to care for, doesn't smudge like stainless steel appliances, and is comparable in price to stainless steel. You aren't going to have to pay more, and the product you get is going to be much easier to care for.
Stainless Steel Refrigerators A stainless steel refrigerator reviews can be a perfect read when you intend to add on a new refrigerator to your kitchen.
Stainless Steel Refrigerators A stainless steel refrigerator reviews can be a perfect read when you intend to add on a new refrigerator to your kitchen.
If you don't shop at Sears, GE also produces GE CleanSteel™ Appliances. I am the proud owner of a CleanSteel refrigerator. According to the GE website "with CleanSteel, you get the look of a stainless steel refrigerator (and other appliances), without the fingerprints or the inability to hold magnets. And cleanup is a breeze. No special cleaners are required; just a damp cloth." I can vouch for that. My fridge is beautiful, and matches all the other stainless steel appliances in my kitchen.
True TS-49-2-G-2 55  Half-Door Reach-In Refrigerator
True TS-49-2-G-2 55  Half-Door Reach-In Refrigerator
Of course, when my mother got her stainless steel fridge there were no alternatives. I will forgive her, as she did not have the option of getting a magnetic stainless steel refrigerator. I know she would have gotten a CleanSteel or Ultra Satin refrigerator, had the option been there. However, it wasn't until the stainless steel refrigerator gained such popularity that companies developed this alternative.
Washers And Dryers And stainless steel Refrigerator
Washers And Dryers And stainless steel Refrigerator


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