Where can I buy leg-strap sheaths for knives?
Where can I buy leg-strap sheaths for knives?
I just bought a "The Best Defense 440 Stainless Steel" knife. In which, I dislike the sheath it came with. But anyways, I desire to carry it on my leg. The blade itself is about 8.2-8.3 inches. From the tip of the blade to the end of the handle is slightly over 12 inches (maybe that might help)Is there any leg-strap sheath available for this knife? (I really hope so)
Also, where can I buy a stone sharperner?
Please let me know about good websites where they sell good knife equipments or knifes itself. Thanks.
Answer by man with the guns
Go to the manufacturers website. If they make a leg strap for it they will more then likely have a few.
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