Easy Way to Remove Water Stains on Stainless Steel Cookware

Easy Way to Remove Water Stains on Stainless Steel Cookware

When do not dry stainless steel cookware completely after washing, the excess water remains on the pot or pan will turn into murky stains making the cookware look overcast over all.  In order to treat the water stains from stainless steel cookware, white vinegar is often used to remove the stains.

  • Rub the water stains by using a soft cloth or paper towel with the vinegar.  Keep rubbing until the stains seem to disappear.
  • Use a dry dish wash cloth or paper towel to wipe the pot or pan to check for any remained water stains.  If the stains still exist, continue to rub with the towel and vinegar and then wipe the pot or pan with a dry towel to make sure the stains are completed removed.
  • Once the water stains are all gone, soak a clean soft cloth or paper towel with water and then wipe the pot or pan to remove any vinegar remaining on the cookware.
  • Finally, wipe the pot or pan with a clean dry dish wash cloth or paper towel before storage.

Easy Way to Remove Water Stains on Stainless Steel Cookware

Overall, in order to prevent the stainless steel cookware diminished appearance caused by the water stains, always wipe your stainless steel pots and pans after washing with a dry clean towel.  On the other hand, to remove the already existing water stains on stainless cookware, follow the above easy tip to quickly remove the stains and make your pot or pan maintain its shiny look.


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